Amazing Ltd

Client Insights

Here at Mantra, our ethics expand into every element of our operations. We sat down with Viv, the founder of Be Amazing Ltd, to discuss how getting to know the people behind the processes can make all the difference.

Client Insights:
Be Amazing Ltd

Tell us a bit about how Be Amazing started…

I set Be Amazing up after I exited the company I founded, and as a sole owner grew that company to 32 people, with a turnover of £1.6 million. I really enjoyed the SME space, but I saw a need for people to be supported as their businesses grew. My background is financial, I’m a chartered accountant which has been a great benefit for me in business, but a skill that many business owners end up outsourcing. I saw a definite gap in the market for supporting businesses with their accounting to supporting businesses with their finances and growth strategies. Once I’m engaged with the company, the numbers give me a window into the people I’m working with. That’s what’s more important to me, through data analysis you get to learn more about the people behind the business. 

Supporting people in business is challenging, it’s hard supporting changes as business grows, but very rewarding. Be Amazing has pivoted several times since I started out in 2015, but I’m in a space now that I’m comfortable with, and in which I’m excited to see things grow. 

Where do you see the future of your business?

I want to carry out more product-based activities, like the Rules of Life book we’re currently working on. I’m moving into more of a creative side, sharing what I’ve learnt and how to get the best out of people. 

I think if you haven’t failed, you haven’t really done anything – you need to challenge yourself. Sharing that message with more people, continuing to create content through different ways will mean you don’t necessarily have to engage with me to get the Be Amazing message. I’m also taking on more board advisory roles, I really enjoy getting involved in more charity work as a trustee, and I’ll be doing some guest lecturing at Salford University as well – there’s a lot coming up, and a lot that’s continuing. 

What advice would you give to anyone growing their business?

Be brave. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, everyone needs support and advice sometimes. Nobody has all the answers, so you have to be prepared to listen – you can’t possibly know everything by yourself, so ask for help when you need it. 

What attracted you to working with Mantra?

Johnny and I have known each other for years, I think we met at a festival in Sheffield! He was smart and a bit quirky, which I’m drawn to, and we became friends before we started working together. I think we share the same values and we’re like-minded people – it’s easy to do business with people you can chat to. I enjoy working with friends and people who you want to be around. There’s no distinguishment between working and day to day life for me, I work with good people, which makes all the difference. It wastes too much energy to not have a straightforward conversation; I’ve got no time for time wasters.

Choosing to collaborate with like-minded people means our ethics underpin every aspect of the work we carry out. If you’d like to learn more about the unique way we do business, please feel free to get in touch. 

Viv Parry
Growth and Funding Advisor

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