5 Tips for
Stocking Up

And we’re not talking about the food cupboard.


1. Gather Books

Whether you’re an avid bookworm or somebody who could ‘never quite find the time’, having a wide selection of books to read will not only pass the time during self isolation, but also feed the mind.


2. List Your Goals

Setting a list of goals with dedicated timeframes will occupy the mind. From big challenges to the little wins, achieving goals can keep you feeling positive and focused.


3. Create a Study Plan

Now is the time to learn something new. Focusing on where you would like to be at the end of this challenging time in self isolation can help inspire how you wish to grow.


4. Start New Hobbies

Is there something you always wanted to try but just didn’t have the time? Well, now you can take action. Whether it’s crafting or cooking, turn your home into a place of experimentation!


5. Make a Watchlist

After all of this personal growth, it’s important to unwind. Create a watchlist of films or series, from old favourites to new discoveries, a little bit of escapism is highly encouraged.

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